WALT bounce and catch a ball.
SUCCESS CRITERIA WE can bounce the ball with one or two hands then have our hands ready to catch it again.

STUDENT VOICE " I can bounce the ball with one hand then catch it again without dropping it". 

Learning Intention
We are learning to use connectives in our writing when writing about empathy.

Succes Criteria
Use the superhero connectives
Use at least 3 different connectives
Join two simple ideas to make a compound sentence

Student Comment
I liked the dog warming up the chicken.


WALT use our Maths skills to play a maths game.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can use our counting skills to play the game.

STUDENT VOICE " I am good at Maths and I like playing maths games". 


WALT think about the sounds that go in the middle of words.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can work out which letters go in the middle of words that we need to spell. 

STUDENT VOICE " I am good at working out if its a, e, i, o or u that goes in the middle of words".