Maths other strand- Time

WALT know the o'clock times.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We know when the  clock is showing 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock....

Emily's Video on Monday, 7 November 2016

WALT count in ones past 100. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA WE can count like 100, 101,102...


Mini Monets          

WALT use various materials to create art, hold a paintbrush and mix colours. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can use the brush and sponge to show a variety of techniques, show perseverance and care when finishing work.

STUDENT VOICE " I have used a brush and sponge to create my mini Monet".


WALT know what the CARE values mean.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We can say what C A R and E stand for and what we need to do to practise these Values.
 "I know that to show respect I need to speak nicely to everyone".

Term 3 Integrated Learning

WALT know what changes can we make to make to make our news playground and learning spaces more learner friendly? What designs /plans do we need to make?

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can design an object for a new playground or a new learning space at our school.  

STUDENT VOICE " I made a new slide that I could play on in a new playground".

Term 3


Easy Blog Photo

WALT write an interesting story.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We have used some words that make our writing interesting for the reader.

STUDENT VOICE " I have written a long story that is interesting for someone to read". 

Garden to Table

WALT follow a recipe and use the produce from the garden  to make something delicious to eat. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can follow the instructions.

Student Voice  " I love cooking with the big kids. Look what I helped to make".

Science Term 2

WALT know how to help a seed to grow.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I will know to water the seed and put it in the sun to help it grow.

STUDENT VOICE I have helped my plant to grow by giving it some water often.  

Easy Blog Photo

Maths Term 2

WALT count in twos.

SUCCESS CRITERIA We can count 2,4,6......

Te Reo Term 2

WALT use Maori greetings.

SUCCESS CRITERIA I know how to use tena koe, tena korua, tena korua.

Writing Term 1 2016

WALT write a recount.
 STUDENT VOICE I have written a recount about when I went to the Disco.
STUDENT VOICE " I wrote  about going to the disco". 


WALT float and swim. 

SUCCESS CRITERIA I can let my feet come up off the bottom of the pool. I can use my legs to kick and my arms to do freestyle.